Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Book Review: "Financial Sorcery" by Jason Miller

The title of this post is a bit misleading. This is not a book review. This is a strong recommendation that you pick up "Financial Sorcery: Magical Strategies to Create Real and Lasting Wealth" by Jason Miller, as soon as possible if you have any interest in the subject. There are plenty of books on money magic, and spell casting systems promising to change your life with one ritual. This is not that book. Miller sets out to answer the question that most practitioners will face in their lifetime. "If magic is real and you can cast sells, why aren't you rich"? For many sorcerers including myself the answer is quite simple. lack of strategy. If you want to talk magical strategy Miller is the man to talk to having already written a book on the subject, and maintaining a blog dedicated to the subject. While this is more than a mere spell book. there is plenty of spiritual and magical information for you to employ in wealth building sorcery. This runs the gamut from meditation and planetary energies, to saints, spirits, and deities to be called upon. There is also plenty here of interest to conjure folk. You will find baths, mojo hands, washes, road opener, and sweetening spells to name a few. The lightening glyphs pf Jupiter are an original and welcome addition to the realm of financial sorcery that I personally plan on employing.

Viral Marketing Glyph
Where the book really shines is in the practical advise in the areas of fiscal planning, entrepreneurial techniques, and job searching. Essentially it reads like a lifestyle design book balanced well with sorcery.If you are a fan of the likes of Tim Ferris or Ramit Sethi you will probably dig this. The book has info on things such as getting out debt, testing business ideas, managing money, interviewing for jobs, and getting promotions. Successful magic hinges on being able to take practical steps toward a goal and backing that up with magic. Financial sorcery has been the hardest nut to crack for many magicians and this is the book to pick up to stat formulating your plan to change all of that, I really can't recommend it enough. In summary,,,,Go cop that s**t son!

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